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Unilateral EU noncompliance statement


Despite the public distrust and outrageous disclosures about all the losses and lack of gains our .cz joining European Union at 1st May, the process is continuing and its victims can't stop it. It shows up there was a significant number of reasons why the pre-referendum brainwashi...err...informational campaign was almost exclusively consisting from TV spots and billboards with Nutrasweet-happy fictional EU members, instead of telling us any more informative details.

However, there is still the possibility to unilaterally opt out, and privately, beyond the radar and enforcement, ignore and disobey some or all of the regulations and red tape - from wiretap and data access control legislation to patent laws and regulations of banana curvature.

We survived Austria-Hungary. We survived Hitler. We survived Stalin. Perhaps, despite the gross incompetence of our politicians, we survive the EU.


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