0-MiscellaneousTricks |
3d_BindingPostCovers |
3D printed binding post covers -
Covers for 19mm spaced banana-plug binding posts, for safety
3d_ElectricCarContactorCover |
3D printed electric car contactor cover -
Contactor cover for the Luka EV electric car
3d_FilamentHolder |
3D printed filament spool holder -
Ball-bearing equipped holder for 3D printing filament
3d_KitchenHook |
3D printed kitchen hook -
Squeeze-to-release latchable kitchen hook for round shafts
3d_KosselXLExtruderMotorMount |
Kossel XL 3D printed extruder motor holder -
Improved mount for the Kossel XL geared motor
3d_KosselXLHeadFanMount |
Kossel XL 3D printed workpiece cooling fan holder -
Improved holder for a head-mounted workpiece cooling fan
3d_MiniSIMtoMicroSIMadapter |
SIM card miniSIM to microSIM conversion, adapter -
Adapter and cutting mask for conversion between miniSIM and microSIM card form factor
3d_MolecularModels |
3D printed molecular models -
Tips and tricks for printing molecules from plastic filament
3d_TeamakerFilterHolder |
3D printed teamaker filter holder -
Adapter to hang a teamaker filter from the kitchen cupboard
android_dropbear_scp |
Android SSH/SCP -
Using Dropbear for Android ssh and scp
art_EnamelFromBeads |
Art - Enameling -
Small jewels made from enameled sheet metal
art_FusedGlassEarrings |
Art - fused-glass earrings -
Earrings made from flame-fused beads
art_GlassAluminiumPendants |
Art - Glass and aluminium -
Small jewels made from molten glass and aluminium sheet
art_GlassCopperSpider |
Art - glass and copper spider -
A small statue of a spider, made of stranded copper wire and melted-on glass beads
art_TiffanyPendants |
Art - Tiffany-technique pendants -
Jewels from colored glass and stones
art_UraniumGlassJewels |
Uranium glass jewels -
Uranium glass pendant and earrings
autohosts |
autohosts -
A simple program for maintaining IP/name assignment in /etc/hosts for dynamic IP addresses
autoindex |
AutoIDXgen -
Simplifies maintenance of project list description webpages
by allowing storing the informations in the projects' pages.
badcaps |
Suspicious capacitors -
List of suspicious capacitor brands, compiled off the Net
chem_Cyanotype |
Cyanotype test -
Testing the cyanotype way of making photographs
chem_ThermochromicBreadboard |
Thermochromic breadboard -
A solderless breadboard showing temperature of the parts
chem_ThermochromicKitchenware |
Thermochromic kitchenware -
Temperature-indicating cups, mugs, tea kettles, etc.
entropy |
Entropy Factory -
a simple hardware audio noise generator for cryptography-grade entropy generation for /dev/random
ethblink |
EthBlink -
Hardware project. Ethernet loopback with periodical opening/closing.
experiment_CO2laserBurnHealing |
CO2 laser burn healing -
Healing progress of an accidental CO2 laser skin burn
experiment_GeigerOnAPlane |
Geiger on a Plane -
In-flight radiation level measurement
experiment_UraniumProspecting |
Uranium ore prospecting -
Sourcing some mildly radioactive stones
fonted |
psf-TrivialFontEdit -
an extremely trivial bitmap font editor. 8x14 Latin2 enhanced-readability Czech font included.
food_LaserEngravedCandy |
Laser engraved candy -
Tests of laser cutting of pressed sugar candy
garlic2 |
Garlic2 -
a simple POP3 proxy for Linux/xinetd for disabling Microsoft™ Worms™. Renames executable attachments as they pass through. As effective as simple.
googleearth |
Google Earth -
Google Earth utilities and overlays
greasemonkey |
handleform |
HandleForm -
HTML form decoder. Extracts fields from a web form.
HM2007 |
HM2007 - a PDF of a speech-recognition chip |
hw_100xScopeProbe |
100x scope probe -
High-voltage oscilloscope probe
hw_19inchRackShelf |
Shelf rack -
Hardware project. Shelf rack for hanging 19" rack equipment to a wall.
hw_3DprinterDevRig |
3D printer server and dev environment -
Configuring a Kossel XL as a standalone printserver
hw_3DprinterKosselXLassembly |
3D printer Kossel XL assembly -
Notes and experiences with a Kossel XL assembly
hw_AiryGoggles |
hw_AmmoboxPC |
Ammo box computer -
Hardware project. A portable dual-power computer built in an ammo box
hw_ATXpoweradapter |
ATX bench power adapter -
Hardware project. Adapter for an ATX power supply.
hw_AutotransformerVariacMod |
Krizik RT2,5 Variac Mod -
Modification of a variac for easier use in lab and field
hw_BananaPiCANbusAdapter |
Banana Pi CAN bus adapter -
Hardware project. TJA1050-based CAN interface for Banana Pi.
hw_BriefcasePC |
hw_CasioExilimPowerSupplyAdapter |
EX-FH25 power supply -
Hardware project. External power supply for a Casio Exilim EX-FH25
hw_cellphone_glove |
Cellphone-friendly gloves mod -
Hardware project. Small modifications to increase usability of winter gloves to allow easier usage of cellphones.
hw_chip_USBinterfaces |
USB-serial interface chips -
USB interface chips, notes
hw_comswitch |
COM port switch -
Hardware project. Reset a rack of network switches from serial port of a computer.
hw_CoolingFanRegulation |
Cooling fan regulator -
Temperature-dependent regulation for cooling fans
hw_CupHolder |
hwdoc |
HardwareDoc -
Documentation of what hardware works with Linux and what it required to make it sing
hw_EbookLibrettoCradle |
Ebook Prestigio Libretto charging cradle -
Hardware project. Charging cradle for an ebook.
hw_ElectricScrewdriverPowerUnit |
Electric screwdriver power module -
A source of low-rpm high-torque power, shared with different devices
hw_ESRmeter |
Capacitor ESR meter -
Hardware project. Measuring instrument for capacitor ESR.
hw_EthernetKeychainTester |
Ethernet Keychain Tester -
Hardware project. Very simple keychain-sized Ethernet port activity tester.
hw_EtherSwitch |
hw_FieldMeter |
RF field strength indicator -
Indicator of electromagnetic field strength
hw_HighPowerLedLampBLUESUN |
50-watt blue LED lamp for photochemistry
hw_HighVoltageResistors |
100 megaohm resistors -
High-voltage, 100-megaohm resistors
hw_HomemadeThermalFuse |
Homemade thermal fuse -
Hardware project, part. Cheap semi-resetable thermal fuse.
hw_HotAirBlower |
Hot air blower -
Hardware project, tool. Hot air generator made from a hairdryer.
hw_IrDAmonitor |
IrDA monitor -
Hardware project. Patch for an USB IrDA dongle to show the communication on human-visible LEDs.
hw_IsolatedMainsPowerSupply |
Isolated AC power supply -
Hardware project. Isolated AC power supply with switchable output voltage.
hw_KeychainEthernetLoopback |
Keychain-EtherLoopback -
Keychain-sized Ethernet loopback adapter
hw_KeychainMicroUSBcable |
Keychain-microUSB -
Keychain-sized microUSB cable
hw_LaserFrame |
Laser Frame -
Laser frame for a camera, framing its view with four lines
hw_LevelShifter |
DC signal level shifter -
Hardware project. Used for shifting signal levels.
hw_LightbulbLimiter |
Lightbulb Limiter -
Hardware project. Lightbulb device for current-limiting of mains devices
hw_LightbulbLimiterHighPower |
Lightbulb Limiter High-Power -
High-power current limiter and load
hw_LightedPowerCable |
Lighted power cable -
Hardware project. Low-voltage power cable with built-in power indicator
hw_LightTable |
Light table -
Hardware project. Light table from a LCD panel.
hw_MultimeterDT4000ZCupgradeUSBwifiHaptic |
DT4000ZC multimeter wifi upgrade -
Retrofit of a multimeter with USB port, ESP8266 NodeMCU wifi interface, rechargeable batteries, haptic beeper, flashlight
hw_MWElectricCarMotorTestJigLukaEV |
Luka EV motor test jig -
Jig for easier wiring modification for motor and controller, for through-controller charging
hw_nokiabat |
Nokia battery hack -
Hardware project. Adapter to feed a Nokia 3310/3410 from 5V DC without internal battery.
hw_NokiaE71charger |
Zero-standby charger -
Hardware project. Phone charger for Nokia E71 with mains auto-disconnect.
hw_NokiaE71powerhack |
Cellphone power hack -
Nokia E71 microUSB power hack
hw_OctopusCable |
Multidrop IEC power cable -
Saving space and mess with powering more tools from one cable
hw_PancakeGeiger |
PancakeGeiger Mk1 -
High-sensitivity Geiger counter
hw_phonecasemod |
Nokia E61 casemods -
Hardware project. Small modifications to increase usability of Nokia E61.
hw_phonechargermod |
Irish-European phone charger -
Hardware project. Phone charger modified to work in Ireland and continental Europe without need of an adapter.
hw_phoneon |
Cellphone PhoneOn -
Hardware project. Device to keep a cellphone powered on.
hw_PowerBrick |
PowerBrick -
Portable high-capacity 5V charger
hw_powerstrip |
Relay Powerstrip -
Hardware project. Computer-controlled power strip, for switching up to 3 devices, for home automation system.
hw_PowerSupply2kV |
Low-power supply 2kV -
Adjustable power supply of 2100 volts, few tens of milliamps
hw_RaspberryPiSPIdisplays |
Raspberry Pi SPI display -
attaching TFT LCD displays with touchscreen to Raspberry Pi
hw_remotereset |
Remote RESET -
Hardware project. Reset a computer from serial port of another computer.
hw_RoomLight |
USB Room Light -
Hardware project. USB-controllable room light.
hw_ServoController |
Model servo controller -
Hardware project. A controller for four RC servos.
hw_SignalGenerator |
Function generator with XR2206 -
Square, triangle, sine, and white/pink noise generator with XR2206 chip
hw_SimpleHotPlate |
Simple hot plate -
Hot plate made from a clothes iron and a bimetallic thermostat
hw_SmallPowerSupply |
Small power supply -
Pocket-sized portable regulated power supply
hw_SpotWelder |
MOT spot welder -
Hardware project. Spot welder made from a microwave oven transformer.
hw_TDCS |
TDCS unit -
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulator
hw_TestTubeRack |
Test tube rack, lasercut -
Test tube rack, parametrically generated, laser cut, whole toolchain described
hw_ThermochromicBreadboard |
Thermochromic breadboard -
A breadboard with visual indication of overheating of the parts.
hw_ThermochromicPowerStrip |
Thermochromic Power Strip -
A power strip with visual indication of overheating.
hw_ThermostatKettle |
Water-bath kettle -
Hardware project. Temperature-stabilized water bath made from a decommissioned electric kettle.
hw_TicTacCharger |
Small USB camera battery charger -
Dual-standard USB camera battery charger, built into a TicTac candy box
hw_TriacRegulator |
Triac regulator -
Hardware project. A triac regulator for lightbulbs, heaters and brushed AC motor speed.
hw_TriacSwitch |
Triac Switch -
Hardware project. Solid-state relay from discrete parts.
hw_unipowerstrip |
Universal Powerstrip -
Hardware project. Power strip modified to use standard power cords.
hw_USBPhoneChargingCableWithLED |
hw_UVlampLED |
UV LED lamp 5W -
UV-A LED lamp, 5 watts, 400 nm
hw_UVlampTube |
UV germicidal lamp -
UV germicidal lamp, 254 nm, 8W
hw_WallWartLaserModulePowerSupply |
hw_wattmeterhack |
FH9999 wattmeter mod -
Hardware project. Reverse-engineered wattmeter, hack for pulse output
hw_WeatherStation |
hw_ZigbeeSensorLiIonRetrofit |
Zigbee sensor Li-ion retrofit methods -
Lithium battery replacement with Li-ion for small devices
ip2loc |
ip2loc, ipdiffmask -
Program for converting IP addresses to geographical locations, and a program for converting between netmask representations.
ipx |
IPX over VPN -
Documentation for IPX over VPN
jig_WireClamp |
jig-wireclamp -
Jig: quick-attach wire clamp
keydriver |
Keydrivers -
Keychain screwdrivers
keytops |
Keytops -
Fridge magnets from old keyboards
lrc_indexer |
LRC file indexer -
a simple semiautomatic timestamper for LRC lyrics files
machining_CameraWoodBolt |
Camera wood screw -
Screw for mounting a camera to any wooden object
machining_CastEpoxyNutForSolderingIron |
Soldering iron tip change nut, epoxy cast -
Nut for tool-free removal/replacing of soldering iron sleeve tip holder
machining_CoffeeGrinderScrewdriverAdapter |
Coffee grinder electric screwdriver adapter -
Adapter to semiautomate coffee grinding
machining_ColorCodedDrillBits |
Color-coded drill bits -
How to dramatically lower the time spent searching for the proper drill bit diameter
machining_DrillPressCollet |
Drill press collet -
Collet for a drill press to hold the Morse taper in for milling
machining_DrillPressLaserCross |
machining_HalogenLamp |
Drink can halogen lamps -
Simple 12V halogen lamps for machining tools
machining_HighVisTools |
High-visibility tools -
How to dramatically lower the time spent searching for often-used tools in the workshop
machining_MagneticDoorLock |
Magnetic door lock -
Hard-drive magnet used to keep door staying closed, while being easily opened.
machining_MicrotomeM16 |
Microtome M16 -
A simple microtome made from a M16 bolt
machining_SpyBolt |
Cache in a bolt -
Spy toy - secret cache inside a bolt
machining_SpyBoltMicroSD |
MicroSD-card spy bolt -
Hollow bolt with internal cavity large enough for a microSD card
machining_StepDrillBitHexShank |
Step drill bit hex shank adapter -
1/4" hex adapter for a step drill bit
machining_TripodM8adapter |
Tripod bolt adapter -
1/4"-to-M8 bolt adapter
machining_ViseRepair |
Repairing a broken vise -
Attempt to bolt and then weld a cracked cast iron vise
mailbug |
MailBug -
Demo application for an email web-bug setting.
method_3dPrintingCombinedMaterialInSituCasting |
Method: 3d-printing with in-situ casting -
Hybrid manufacturing, casting elastomer into 3d-printed part - motor mount with silentblocks
method_brazing_resistance_wire |
Repairing resistance wires -
Hardware project, method. Repaing resistance wires.
method_case_labels |
Case labels -
Simple, good-looking labels for devices
method_connector_body_repair |
Connector repairs -
Simple method for making connector bodies and strain reliefs
method_EDMdischargeCircuitboardEtching |
Method under development: EDM machining of circuitboards -
Electrical discharge machining of circuitboards
method_ExorcisingEUvolumeWarningFromAndroid |
Removing volume warning from Android -
Method: Exorcising Brussels from Android - removing volume warning nannyware
method_salvage_ferrite_cores |
Salvaging ferrite cores -
Hardware project, method. Disassembling potted ferrite transformers.
method_salvage_lcd_polarizers |
Salvaging LCD polarizers -
Hardware project, method. Disassembling LCD panels, salvaging polarizer films
method_salvage_lead_from_batteries |
Salvaging lead from batteries -
Hardware project, method. Disassembling sealed lead-acid batteries, salvaging lead plates
method_SimpleLiPolyOverdischargeCutoff |
Li-poly overdischarge protection -
Very simple, very cheap lithium battery overdischarge protection circuit
method_TO220toD2PAKconversion |
TO220 to D2PAK conversion -
Method for conversion of TO220 transistors to D2PAK SMD variants
method_TshirtStenciling |
T-shirt bleach stenciling -
Using cardboard laser-cut stencils for making t-shirt patterns
method_VUmeterReuse |
VU meters reuse -
How to reuse cheap VU meters as indicator-grade voltmeters and ammeters
method_YoutubeRegionCheat |
Cheating YouTube region enforcement -
Method: Cheating YouTube region enforcement
microscope |
Cheaposcope -
a cheap homemade microphotography device.
Intended for aiding microelectronics reverse engineering and for home science.
mod_12VtoDualUSBcharger |
12V-to-USB charger -
Hardware project. Reverse-engineering of an off-the-shelf car USB charger, adaptation of connectors.
mod_AsusZenfoneM1BootloaderUnlock |
bootloader unlock, Asus Zenfone M1 -
manual unlock method of Asus Zenfone M1 bootloader, LineageOS installation, with explanation
mod_BathroomLight |
Repair and mod of a bathroom light -
Power supply replacement and additional switch for a bathroom light
mod_CanonPowershotA2600InternalCharger |
Canon Powershot A2600 internal charger -
Canon Powershot A2600 internal battery charger and external power supply
mod_headsets |
Modifications of headsets, replaceable cords -
Replaceable cords for headsets
mod_K40LaserLargeHeight |
K40-III laser z-space increase -
Mod of the "Blue Horror" to allow cutting tall objects
mod_K40LaserLensMount |
K40-III laser lens mount mod -
Mod of the "Blue Horror" lens holder to keep the lens centered
mod_LaptopThinkpadR60cooling |
Laptop cooling hack -
Thinkpad R60 cooling hack
mod_ReprapDiscountLCDcorruptionFilter |
Character LCD display corruption solution -
EMI filters for Reprap Discount Smart Controller class displays
mod_RigolDS1052Dscope |
DS1052D oscilloscope fan silencing -
Replacement of a fan in the DS1052D oscilloscope with a quieter one
mod_RigolDS1052DscopeProbeHolder |
DS1052D oscilloscope probe holders -
Holders for scope probes and their cables for easy portability
mod_SolderingIron |
Modifications of a soldering iron -
Power socket replacement and thermal insulation for a soldering iron
mod_StereoMicroscope |
Stereomicroscope modifications -
Modifications of a stereomicroscope
mod_USBhubPowered |
Externally powered USB hub -
Simple modification of a USB hub to run from external power
mod_USBpoweredSolderingIron |
Battery-to-USB powered soldering iron conversion -
Modification of a battery powered soldering iron to a USB powered variant
No-EU |
A set of labels declaring independence and sovereignity of person, thoughts, and property within the European Union
phpbarcode |
barcode.php -
A very simple PHP front-end for a barcode generator. Shows barcode images.
picoqmail |
PicoQmail -
a very simple replacement for /usr/sbin/sendmail for systems
not requiring their own MTA but needing to send a mail outside time to time.
An external mail relay is required.
PICprog |
repair_chair |
Repair of an office armchair -
Mechanical repair of a delaminated plywood of an armchair
repair_Guitar |
Repair of a guitar -
Mechanical repair of a broken neck of a guitar
repair_hairdryer |
Repair of a hairdryer -
Repair and reverse engineering of a broken hair dryer
repair_HeaterStirrerPlate |
Hotplate stirrer reconditioning -
Reverse engineering and repair of a lab hotplate stirrer
repair_KitchenFork |
Repair of kitchen fork -
Silver-brazing of a broken kitchen fork
repair_LenovoYogaB8080tablet |
Lenovo Yoga HD10+ (B8080) tablet repair -
Repair of a dropped Yoga HD10+ tablet, with a broken off battery and severed battery cable
repair_SoularCharger |
Repair of solar charger -
Disassembly and repair of a mechanically damaged solar charger
repair_StainlessStrainer |
Repair of broken strainer -
Welding broken handles on an Ikea stainless strainer
repair_ThinkpadR60 |
Repairs of a Thinkpad R60 -
Mechanical repairs of a laptop
repair_UPSbattery |
Battery replacement in APC Back-UPS RS800 -
Replacement of sealed lead-acid batteries in APC Back-UPS RS800
repair_WeldingAluminiumMotorbikeClutchLever |
Repair of broken aluminium clutch lever -
Brazing and welding attempts of a broken cast aluminium motorbike clutch lever
reveng_APCUPS800 |
reveng_BrokenIGBT |
Reverse engineering: Failed IGBT -
Dissection and partial salvage of a failed IGBT
reveng_BurnedCrappyChinesePhoneCharger |
Reverse engineering: Failed phone charger -
Dissection of a dead crappy Chinese phone charger
reveng_CanonPowershotA2600 |
Canon Powershot A2600 -
Canon Powershot A2600 disassembly and notes
reveng_CarCoolerFridge |
Reverse engineering: car cooler -
Reverse engineering of a Peltier-based car cooler/fridge
reveng_cfl |
reveng-CFL -
Reverse engineering: EuroLite 15W CFL
reveng_DRSB01 |
DRSB-01 Geiger Counter review -
A review of a Russian DRSB-01 Geiger counter
reveng_ElectricalCrucibleFurnace |
Electrical crucible furnace K59 -
Taking apart the crucible furnace
reveng_LiIonBatteryCellRCR123a |
Tenergy RCR123a 650mAh Li-ion cell teardown -
Parameters and internal structure of a Li-ion battery cell
reveng_Mivvy |
Mivvy MIDroid Q751 -
Reverse engineering and information: Mivvy MIDroid Q751
reveng_MP4_watch |
MP4 Watch -
Reverse engineering: MP4 Watch, cable, pinouts, documentation
reveng_multimeters |
reveng_NarexDrillSpeedRegulator |
Narex drill speed regulator -
Reverse engineering: Narex drill speed regulator
reveng_NikonS51c |
Nikon S51c -
Reverse engineering: Nikon S51c, cables, pinouts, documentation
reveng_NokiaHS47 |
Nokia HS47 handsfree -
Reverse engineering: Nokia HS47 handsfree, schematics pinouts, documentation
reveng_PowerSupplyUTP3703S |
Reverse engineering: Power supply UTP3703S -
Reverse engineering and repair of a power supply UTP3703S
reveng_QiChargers |
Teardown: Qi chargers -
Reverse engineering of a Qi charger puck and the stickers
reveng_RemoteControlHeadphones |
reveng-headset -
Reverse engineering: Remote-control headset
reveng_spypen |
Spy Pen -
Reverse engineering: Spy Pen, its behavior, structure, file formats
reveng_TD2200 |
Wintex TD2200 -
Reverse engineering: Wintex TD2200, cable, serial protocol
reveng_type618stungun |
618 TYPE stun gun, reverse-engineered schematics -
A schematics of Chinese "618 TYPE" paralyzer/stun gun
reveng_type800stungun |
BR-800TYPE stun gun, reverse-engineered schematics -
A schematics of Chinese "BR-800TYPE" paralyzer/stun gun
reveng_USBendoscope |
USB endoscope -
characteristics of inexpensive endoscope-like webcam
reveng_USBmicroscope |
USB webcam microscope GenesysLogic Aveo -
characteristics of inexpensive webcam microscope
reveng_WearableMicrodisplay |
Teardown: Wearable Microdisplay -
Reverse engineering of a FPV Vision-720 wearable microdisplay
scad_TorchwoodLogo |
shorturl |
URL shortener -
A very simple URL shortener
smtpreident |
SMTP ReIdentify -
a simple SMTP microdaemon for rewriting the mail headers and envelope on recipient-by-recipient basis
spkftest |
SpkFTest -
A simple system for testing UDP port forward for SpeakFreely
sw_8control |
OctoControl -
8control, a utility suite for controlling of OctoPrint server
sw_8term |
OctoControl Terminal -
8term/8mon, interactive monitoring and controlling of OctoPrint server
sw_bmp2laser |
BMP 2 laser tool -
adjusts circuitboard bitmaps for MoshiDraw laser
sw_chip_AS3935 |
AS3935 lightning sensor -
Small 500kHz RF sensor for lightnings
sw_chip_BH1750 |
BH1750-read -
readout of a cheap light sensor, written in simple C
sw_chip_PCF8591 |
PCF8591-read -
readout of a cheap 4-channel 8-bit ADC sensor, written in simple C
sw_chip_SHT30 |
SHT3x-read -
readout of a cheap humidity/temperature sensor, written in simple C
swdoc |
SoftwareDoc -
Various tidbits and comments about configuration caveats and antiadministrator mines in software
sw_DXFlaserutils |
OpenSCAD-DXF-MoshiDraw tool -
OpenSCAD-DXF-MoshiDraw tool
sw_kbdassist |
Keyboard Assistant -
invoke command for keypress or key combination, including press length
sw_LGTVcontrol |
LGTVcontrol -
lgsend.sh, a shell script for control of a LG smart TV
sw_mjpegparse |
mjpegparse -
tool for extraction of single or multiple frames from MJPEG streams
sw_OpenSCADmerge |
OpenSCAD merge -
merge use and include dependencies of OpenSCAD files into a single file
sw_PhotonControl |
Photon printer network control -
File uploading and remote supervision for Anycubic Photon 3d printer
sw_picocom-shad |
Picocom-Shad -
Enhanced functionality for picocom
sw_picoexif |
picoEXIF -
minimalist EXIF tag generator
sw_polycam |
Polycam-ustreamer -
ustreamer modification for multiple cameras, raw snapshots, data overlays
sw_qr2laser |
QR-code laser stencil generator -
Generate DXF or OpenSCAD script for laser cutting a stencil for QR-code
sw_sercat |
sercat -
cat for serial lines, with RTS/DTR control
sw_SerialOverIP_RFC2217 |
COM over TCP/IP, RFC2217 -
Getting serial ports to operate remotely, over a network
sw_tampermonkey |
sw_USBTMC_RigolScopeWifi |
Scope over WiFi -
Rigol DS1054Z/DS1052D and other TMS/SCPI devices over network
sw_wavesync-shad |
WaveSync-shad -
synchronized audio playback, variant with self NTP sync and callback-based playback
sw_WebcamStreamAutorun |
MultiEyes -
a dynamically started set of webcam streaming servers, to run when the cam is attached
TacticalShoelaces |
Tactical shoelaces -
Paracord shoelaces, for extra-heavy tensile strength
teacool |
TeaCool -
An improvised tea cooling device. To make tea drinkable quicker.
therm |
Therm -
a simple online thermometer. Registering temperature every 5 minutes from April 2003.
Extremely simple hardware. Based on SMT160-30.
Thumbdrive_Floppy |
Floppy thumbdrive -
Hardware project. Floppy disk modified into a flash disk container.
tool_3dPrinterMicroscope |
3D printer microscope head -
Head that converts a 3d printer to a computer controlled microscope
tool_hotpot |
tool_Milliohmmeter |
Milliohmmeter -
Hardware project, tool. Milliohmmeter measurement adapter.
tools |
tools_LaserCutter |
ucalc |
UnitCalc -
A simple commandline unit convertor.
wearable_KuchofukuFanShirt |
Kuchofuku air conditioned shirt -
Knockoff of "kuchofuku" air conditioned shirt with built-in fans
webcam |
webdiag |
WebDiag -
Few tools for diagnosing HTTP connections
wormbounceid |
WormBounceID -
A simple mail classifier for quick identification of bounce messages and executable code.
Intended for use within procmail.
www-tampermonkey |
xeltek |
Xeltek Superpro 280U -
Xeltek Superpro 280U tips and tricks